game stick

Best Tips When Buying Neopoints

I know I have a dream of becoming a millionaire and fulfilling my dreams actually, we all have that dream. Becoming a millionaire is so possible though sometimes it feels like impossible. Just buy Neopoints and all your dreams can be achieved its one of the most quickly and simple way of making a ridiculous amount of money. But I know there is so much going on in your mind and question that are left unanswered, even the fear of purchasing something wrong and also being scammed by someone else. This guide that is where it plays the role, just keep on reading, and you will become an expert when it comes to buying Neopoints. To purchase the best neopoints visit Also, learn what you should do and also what to avoid.

Ultimate guide

Where to buy Neopoints online?

Neopoints That’s the very first question that comes to mind. But first, never discuss the plan of buying and selling at Neopets, they will secure your account, silencing your account or even do worse. Purchasing of Neopoints happens offsite, and only offsite don’t be fooled otherwise, this is safe for your account. Avoid buying a new account look for something that has good reputation and reviews; some sites also include customer’s comment this will make everything easy to know which account works. After discovering different accounts, you should compare the rate that they all offer and which deal is the best.
You now have an account that best fits all your needs the next thing to do is contact the seller, most of the web page have their contact details send them an email and wait for their response.

How to transfer bought Neopoints

You have the account, and you are in agreement with payment method, and now you are wondering how you’re going to transfer an already bought Neopoint. Your Neopoint account will be sent to a shell account, you probably wondering what is a shell account this is an empty account. Using of shell accounts is very normal when your purchasing things from somebody, this is just like a place you can hold them until you move them to your actual account. Also, the seller won’t know the name of your real account.

Shell account

gameboyIf your Neopoints account comes as a shell account, the seller will give you the required information to login things like username, passwords, birthday and optional pin. Do not rush into opening the account, first ensure that you change the IP address use proxy or VPN this gives you more security, and you can’t be frozen.
Now once you have filled all the information in the shell account and it’s ready to be transferred to your real account or just a side account you can now make good use of the account.